Saturday, 9 June 2012

A tribute to my Father

A man's Bestfriend

When I was young I am so irritated
As my father prepares two sets of food
A set for us, another set for Gringo and Budyok
I grew older, father calls our name for dinner 
Followed by Gringo! Budyok!
As we eat, father says, love them
Love them for what?
That's what my heart says...
He felt what inside my mind...
Then he said, whenever all of you are away, they don't leave me
When I don't know the way, they lead me
Whenever someone breaks in, they tell me
Whenever I talk, they listen
When earthquake will come, they warn me
I said, "Oh, I see! You will grow old with them then!"
When my father exhales his last breath, They are gasping, crying and trembling...they sounded like they wanted to die.
All of us were asking, what do they want, who will feed them when Papa's gone.
During the wake, they didn't leave HIM, didn't eat for days,
What's this, a hunger strike, we asked
Papa's gone and they are so silent
Silence that alerted us to find for them....
There they are ! lying on my father's resting place ,breathless, but happy
Happy together with their bestfriend.

9 June 2012

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